Ministry Minded

The up to date happenings as I enter into my first year of vocational ministry and transition from Boston.

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Location: Kent, Washington, United States

I love Jesus Christ, my husband and our sweet little meatball. I love how my husband and I can make each other laugh everyday! We love to be outside doing almost anything but especially camping! I am passionate about advocating for others, Biblical truth, ministry and Biblical counseling. **We added to our family in 2012 work a princess meatball **

Saturday, May 21, 2005


Well, what a week! I thought I would be up in NY and organizing stuff on Monday p.m. but it ended up being Tuesday instead. Its been a busy but great week. Started the new secular job on Thursday and its awesome! I had no idea a job could be so low key and challenging in a good way!

The church position starts on Sunday with an interview by the local paper, pictures and a formal introduction to the congregation.

I got cable on Wednesday and DSL today (Friday)...and a mattress tomorrow --woo hoo! A mattress may not seem like a big deal to you, but when you have slept on an airmattress for 2 1/2 yrs its heaven to me :)

It all seems like a dream...awesome apartment .....great job....great church.....again I amoverwhelmed by God's grace, awesomeness, faithfulness and His timing.

So far...the only bad things are....

1. "Jimmy."I have named the man who lives above me "Jimmy." Since I moved in and maybe even before he has played one Guns and Roses album NON STOP! I wish 1985 would call him and tell him they want their album back.

2. Intorcias. This little town hot spot is a horrible stumbling block to dieters. It is a family owned and operated old time doughnut shop that smells AMMMMMMMAZING. You remeber those Bugs Bunny cartoons where Bugs smells something good and floats on the smell till he reaches the source? I feel as though the screens in my windows are the only things restraining me from doing the same :) And of course the breeze is always blowing in the right direction to blow it into my windows.=)


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