Doormat or Disciple?

This question is something that I have been rolling over in my mind for the past couple of months. It was a thought that came to mind after being stood up for a project. I began to think about it and wonder where the line is.
A good friend, and wife of one of my mentors in counseling, and I were chatting shortly after I moved back to N.Y. and she pointed out that since I entered into ministry officially I should expect to receive new challenges and trials. And I think that part of the problem was that I was still using the training wheels that I had from before I was in vocational ministry. This worked about like training wheels on a 10 speed!
So, with that said , it brings me back to my original question. I had never really had the level of responsibility in the way that I do here and now, so when people didn't show, dropped out or flaked out before it didn't bother me. But now when it happens it flat out hurts!
I know we are to be all things to all people that we might win them to salvation but....Jesus also wasn't a doormat. And if I am the child of a King, to what extent am I supposed to tolerate such behavior? More than anything it was a great lesson and reminder that people can, do and will let you down from time to time, but God...... that's someone who never ever will.
As Paul and I get closer to married life and vocational ministry together, these lessons seem more and more important since it will, in many ways, be effecting more than just me. And they have been coming more frequently. I am not a sadist , or trying to sound high and mighty when I say this but, I sincerely do look forward to a good trial now and then because I really believe I can, do and will grow from it! addition to continuing my goal of working on being more loving towards others, this year I want to add being more of a disciple of Christ and servant to others and to be more lovable!
I think you hit the nail on the head. God wants us to be servants. To serve and minister without recognition or praise. He also wants us to exhort (you can look up the real meaning of the word) the sinful believer and to be longsuffering and forgiving (you can look up the real meaning of those words too). You're doing an awesome job! God is grooming you where you are now to do GREAT things in the future. I am fortunate to be a part of that future!
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