Ministry Minded

The up to date happenings as I enter into my first year of vocational ministry and transition from Boston.

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Location: Kent, Washington, United States

I love Jesus Christ, my husband and our sweet little meatball. I love how my husband and I can make each other laugh everyday! We love to be outside doing almost anything but especially camping! I am passionate about advocating for others, Biblical truth, ministry and Biblical counseling. **We added to our family in 2012 work a princess meatball **

Monday, December 05, 2005

Could I get a little help here?

Ok, so let me start off by apologizing for the rant I am about to go on lol. Alright, with that said, here goes.

Why is it that people do not keep in touch? They always say they are too busy, not enough time in the day, they've spent most of their day on the computer or the phone already... it goes on and on. Did Jesus EVER put people off???? Not ever that I recall!!

My thought: there will always be dishes, house chores, errands, etc...people should come first because they won't always be there (I am not saying ignore resposibilites-just prioritize)!! Kids grow up, friends move away and people move on before you know it because you were too busy mopping the floor or doing dishes or whatever. Some of this comes from a book I was reading in lieu of preparing for the curriculum I have been writing for my small group called "Making your house a home." The book is called "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World: Finding Intimacy With God in the Busyness of Life." The interesting thing about this book is that it has only deepened my feeling about putting people before projects and things.

The frustrating and painful part is that I have made a point of keeping in touch with many of the people who have dropped the ball so-to-speak and now that I have so many super exciting things going on in my life, those friends are nowhere to be found. I have been in their weddings, shared birthdays, been a shoulder to cry on...etc. It just hurts.

No one is THAT busy that they can't say "Hey I can't talk right now but can we set up some time to talk, im, visit WHATEVER! And with email...PLEASE! It is always open! You can do it 24hours a day 7 days a week! I work 1 FT and 1 PT job (one part time ministry but often more like fulltime), in a serious relationship, mentor a little girl here in the city, maintain friendships with people from all over and am planning my wedding. I am not saying I am busier than anyone else, but I am not struggling with boredom!!!

I guess it's just a reminder from God that people will let you down but He never will. I just wish people would realize what putting someone off does and how it hurts! Saying you have no time is like saying that I hold no significant place in your life- I don't matter. I realize this sounds dramatic, but it is the way I value others.


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