The Jimmy and the 5-0

Saturday Night 2:30 a.m. (start 1940's detective movie soundtrack in background)Jimmy wasn't tired...not even a little bit. He decided that 2:30 am was the optimal time to have a hodown complete with twangy old school country and western music.
This has gone on for 6 months!! His music (well and his wives) fluctuates within the range of good to bad to worse to "I didn't even know someone recorded something that sounded that bad!" Well, this past Saturday night I had had just about enough!So after talking to Paul for a little bit I decided that calling the police would be a good idea and did so. They came over right away! I guess that might be because what would they have to do at 2:30 am in the North Country? LOL. Secondly, I can see their back door from my bedroom window as we share a parking lot.
They came over and because they buzzed Jimmy to let them in the music stopped!!! So when they came to my apartment and said the music had stopped it was no wonder. I had heard it stop abruptly but it was a little bit of time before I heard the knock on their front door. I explained that this has gone on for quite some time to which they encouraged me to call anytime if they got loud again. I didn't want it to come to calling the police but MAN! ENOUGH ALREADY! On what planet is it ok to have a party THAT loud in an apartment building at THAT time and it's cool with everyone?
I know it could be A LOT worse but for now, this is enough for me =0)
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