Ministry Minded

The up to date happenings as I enter into my first year of vocational ministry and transition from Boston.

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Location: Kent, Washington, United States

I love Jesus Christ, my husband and our sweet little meatball. I love how my husband and I can make each other laugh everyday! We love to be outside doing almost anything but especially camping! I am passionate about advocating for others, Biblical truth, ministry and Biblical counseling. **We added to our family in 2012 work a princess meatball **

Monday, October 03, 2005

Can we find contentment or satisfaction on Google?

You know, I went to a search engine, the one I typically use, and typed in 'satisfied,' and then I typed 'content,' and was shocked to see what the world, or at least this site, would classify either of these terms. This only further proved my point. We (or at least the secular and cyber worlds) really don't know what it means to truly be content or satisfied. Or do we?

Google, Yahoo, Dogpile... certainly can't answer the question. And what does come up in a search is a far cry from the way that I would define it. Even GOOGLE- the guru of information! Perhaps it is because it is something only defined by God Himself. The Creator and Sustainer of true contentment and satisfaction. As I go through the day to day of work and life it often seems apparent that that is something that people seem to lack ....contentment. Now, I must admitt, I have had long dry spells of discontentment, and it stinks. One positive element of discontentment is that it often drives us to move, to change, become restless even. It becomes bad when it drives us toward something destructive and/or empty.

It is GREAT,however, when it drives us in our relationship with God. I was discontent with where my relationship with God was and desperately wanted to change it. I wanted to go back to when I remember things were great but the reality is, things are constantly moving and changing and when they aren't, they are stagnant and begin to smell and rot just as static ground water. And even if I was able to go back it would not be the same because I am not the same. Just as we are surprised at how small the chairs are in our 3rd grade classroom, and we ask 'how did we ever fit,' returning to a past spiritual milestone can be quite similar. Oftentimes as long as we are going and growing with God, we 'don't fit,' into the things we did weeks, months and years ago. I can't stress enough what a good thing that is!

So, here I stand, ready to move forward and forge new paths no matter what lies ahead! And that is one of the most exciting places to be!!


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