Foot Sandwich

Last year I tried eharmony and met a man whom I thought was a great guy, which he may still be. The problem was more that he was not my guy. So I did the typical thing and blamed eharmony lol. The reality, as I am beginning to realize, was more about him not being the guy for me more than anything else. It is with that that I must prepare to eat that sandwich.
I rejoined about 3 weeks ago or so and had few expectations from it. "Sure it would be great!" I thought, but never lost sight of the fact that I believe the people on the commercials are paid and trained LOL. ANYhow...I was matched with a bunch of men, one of which is the man in question here. I wasn't sure what to think of any of it. I even prayed for this man to go away as I didn't have time and didn't really expect any one with interest, that I was interested in or that would go any further than 2-3 emails. The funny this is that the harder I pushed, the more the smoke cleared and the more I realized that I could not find any red flags or flaws. Not only has this man made his intentions clear but he has stuck around, for what appears to be the long haul-God willing he will =)
Well, I sit here still scratching my head from the past couple of weeks or corresponding with this man and realizing all those clichees' people use are actually true about knowing.
So it is with that that I apologize to Mr. Warren LOL.
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