Missed a week

Things continue to plug along. I met my little sister (I am a big sister) for the first time yesterday. We went and saw Madagascar-cute movie. Had a few what I would consider inappropriate jokes in it but it was expected.
You know I never get tired of God's amazing way of tying things together. Pastor Mike's message was about 'Living at the Next Level,' this a.m. ~basically depth, do you live out your faith? Earlier this week, someone asked me that question of my own walk. And I have thought a lot about it, as I do with many walk/faith related questions people ask me.
Mike used an illustration with tupperware (parts of our lives-kids, work,family...) and green colored water (God). He talked about how we tend to compartmentalize our lives and the water represented God and our walks with Him. He spoke of how we need to pour God into every aspect of our lives.It was great. Now I don't know that I feel as though I have arrived in this area, but considering it has come up more than once and in such a short period of time....God got my attention and made me realize maybe I need to reevaluate and step it up a notch. Mike also defined depth as: living what you know and also spoke about Bible college. He spoke of how so often we mistake intellect for depth. Intellect is great! Knowing what every word of the Bible is in greek/hebrew is great but how are you living?
As those of you who know me know how I love analogies and illustrations... kudos to my Pastor for an excellent one this a.m. He was talking about turbulence when flying and how exhilerating it is especially when it is the result of a storm. Then he pointed out how then there is that moment when you break through above the storm, the clouds and the turbulence and its often sunny up there. Getting close to God and staying close to God is like the sun above the clouds! It seems dark and dismal down here but it so isn't if we had God's view and spent more time in His presence. If that blessed you even half as much as it blessed me then you were blessed!! If you were blessed feel free to email me, I would love to hear about it and to also pray with you and for you.
OH the pic, that is new from today. I posted it because I was playing with a feature on the blogger program.
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