Skycoaster & Floaties

When I worked at Sixflags, there was this ride called the Skycoaster. It took so much time, training and hard work to learn the ride and become certified in how to operate it! I remember the day I got certified and what an accomplishment it was! I still have that card to remind me!
Well, anyhow for those of you who don't know what it is ( - there is a much better picture and description than I could give. For the purpose of my point here...the most exhilerating element of this ride is the very element that made me so uncomfortable! The freefall! That 1-4 seconds of weightlessness where the flyers are suspended in mid air between Heaven and Earth. I never liked it..for many reasons but, as it applies to the spiritual component of my life, it could be paralleled with trust, letting go and allowing God to drive my life. And that, can be a difficult thing to do. It's one of those things that you think you have done it until you get to the next time when you are required to let go and realize that you hadn't then but maybe you are now. Someone once said that we are to live our lives with every part of our lives in open hands so that God can put in and take out as He wills. It is when we clench our fists tight and bear our teeth when God tugs at something that we often lose it . We have such a deathgrip on it that it slips through our fingers!
It's just like God that as soon as you say something, or in this case blog it, for Him to test your words. After I posted last night I wrestled with some of what I wrote about. Perhaps blogging was the beginning of that struggle(?) I don't know. What I do know is that it's ok to float to the middle of the pool and not cling to the sides. In fact, that's the best place to be so that God can move and change you as He sees fit! It's funny how you can float out to the middle of a pool on a raft and be relaxed and fine and content even but as soon as you realize where you are and how far the edges are , it is easy to panic! Once you realize you have let go , you are faced with a decision between scrambling back to the edge or just float where you are and trust that you will be fine! Believe me, I do not say that lightly as it is something that I still struggle with and 'it' boils down to trust and giving ALL over to God.
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