Short Stories and Oil Changes

I was reading something today that someone game me to review. It was a ficticious account of what walking around with Christ after you were saved would be like. Out of the some odd 9 pages or so the one thing I could not get out of my head was the statement about devotional time with God. The author made the point that sure Jesus waits for us to come and meet with Him and when we don't we cheat ourselves, but it also cheats Jesus as He looks forward to spending time with us too. In the dialog between the man and Jesus in this 'story,' Jesus told the man that if he didn't want to make and spend time with Him for himself that he ought to do it for Jesus sake as He loves him so much.
I was just pretty convicted by it which to me was worth reading the 5 pgs preceeding this one for the conviction alone and being stuck in a garage as the mechanics scrambled to find the air filter for my car they were supposed to have yesterday but didnt and told me to come back today and they would! I am well aware that that was a huge sentence and was doing it with dramatic license and a deep breath lol. For those of you in suspense they didn't have the right filter and asked me to come back a third time but I think I am all set with them there! As it was this man who I have dealt with each time told me after I initially got my oil changed last week that I would need a new air filter which I didn't ask for because every other time it came with the change. I mean I didn't have to ask them for oil when they changed it! Oh well, I am going to chalk it up to God wanted to slow me down long enough to read that story, get convicted and get it right! So, with that said, I am off to do my reading ;)
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