What a gift!

I was talking to a really good friend from Boston last night and was reminded of the New Testament passage that talks about debt: collecting it, being fair about it and consequences when we're not fair in return. There are a few passages that come to mind actually. The one I was thinking of in particular talked about how there was a man who owed some money and went to his debtor, pleaded with him to not be thrown into jail for it and was forgiven. The worst part was that he then turned around and sought out a man who owed him a much smaller sum and demanded that he be punished for the very same thing that he had just been forgiven of.
I have been thinking about that because I have a debt that was forgiven. That very good friend I was talking to bought a laptop with printer for me almost a year ago and it has been a blessing beyond any and all explanation. It has opened up so many doors and made so many things possible that would have been difficult if possible in the first place. The two main things that having the laptop has helped with is my ministry job and my hopes to obtain my masters in counseling in the future. Anyhow, the agreement was to pay her back as I could and I have been doing so for awhile now. She told me that she would like me to stop making payments and try to put that same money that I was using for payments into a savings to help Paul and I become as debt free as possible to be freed up for ministry. I think I was in shock for a good hour. What an incredible wedding gift!!