I sure hope Reno's DMV is better.......
So, I move back to NY...when I say back I mean back after only being out of the state for 5 1/2 yrs of the 31 1/2 that I have been on the planet! I recently found out that I have exceeded the limit for changing everything with my car over ...BACK to NY. So I scramble around in an attempt to get it all taken care of for the last 2 months that I will even be here since I am moving to Reno in MAY!!!!!!
ANYways..... My birth certificate is one of the many many things they want to prove that I am who I say I am. So I discover that mine is MIA... probably during the move ... BACK TO NY! So I say to the ever so nice woman at the DMV..."Does it count that I have only had a MASS license for 2 of the 15 years that I have been driving?" She says "No! It makes no difference!" So then I ask her..."Can it be a copy (of my birth Certificate) even if it is notarized?" She says.... "NO! It MUST and can ONLY be the original!" How in the world can I get the original copy of something that I already lost?! ORIGINAL means ORIGINAL!!!AHHHHHH!!!!!!
Now, perhaps this woman is nice and friendly during her off hours but man she puts on a face for work!! So as nicely as I could, I thanked her and hung up.
I think there are 2 MAIN things that are annoying the snot outta me right now (other than my own stupidity) are : 1. how hard it is to get relicensed in the state that initially licensed me after being licensed by them for the past 15yrs!!!!! 2. The fact that all of these hoops I am jumping through right now....will be a waste since I will have to go through this mess again and MORE MONEY in 2 MONTHS!!!!!!
SO all of this will cost me about $400 + my excise tax for a car that I ALREADY PAID TAXES ON WHEN I BOUGHT IT! I can't even get started on Massachusetts today! .....AHHHHH
I sort of feel better....thanks!
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